History Of Physical Education
1 Physical education in a primitive society in India physical education has been changing its shape according to time and progressing separately. Physical education during primitive times has been divided into different periods and the system of its progress is explained. culture of physical education during the primitive period is quite different from that of ancient and modern times.
It is essential to know the history of physical education along with its meanings, motive, and principles. from a very ancient time, and has been adopting physical exercise programs in some form or the other. He, for meeting his food requirements Used to work hard for the hunting of animals. bodily he, therefore, remained physically fit. He had to do a lot of roaming about for the hunting of animals and made weapons of wood and stone. This routine work kept his body fully exercised, healthy, and physically fit. in addition to this wrestling and dancing give a lot of exercise to his body. Main domain and culture for quite a long period with the culture came educational and physical Education programs historians have different opinions regarding the advent of culture; however, the measure of physical exercises for our physical hard work comes in all the Asian cultures. adoption of physical education in some ancient cultures is enumerated below.
2 Stone Stage Primitive Period when physical education started progressing is called the stone age this age has great importance in the history of man. he started making use for making weapons full stop initially he did not give much attention to the shape of weapon however with the passage of time he started cutting and giving shape to the stone accordingly its requirement and star started using it for other purposes also. for this change, he looked for thousands of years to stop this period is therefore divided into the following ages
In this age stone used as weapons used to be rough and the properly cleaned shape of the weapon was not considered. no attention was paid to the length and breadth of the weapon.
In The Neolithic age, only men learned the art of making weapons with more finance and started making weapons of good size and shape. this development and change to a lot of time centuries past to make weapons of proper shape and to polish them human being while wandering in jungles and in Plains learned he the method of using stones as weapons for self-defense and for attacking the enemy hi learn the method of using stones as a weapon on the enemy phrase for way.
Characteristic Of Primitive Play
1 playing is as old as human being himself man learn playing with animals during ancient time
2 During ancient times faith in God created various situations in the play.
3 God included man to play independently five children learn playing very easily
4 Man gains knowledge about playing very slowly, slowly learns the methods of defending himself from enemy and wild animals at his trolley, learns to use power, stamina speed, and Presence of brain against wild animals.
Man learned running, jumping, throwing climbing, and streaming during this age.
3 Palaeolithic Age
Food habits
Most humans during this period were vegetarians. They used to eat fruits, nuts, and roots of trees.
During this period human teeth used to be broad tongue smooth and food pipes along with the passage of time humans started eating the flesh of animals, but mature humans continue to remain vegetarian.
Some of the characteristics of this period
1 Human were vegetarians
2 Animals were considered Enemies of human beings.
Play and Leisure
During the stone age or medieval period, there was no time for play and entertainment activities. No special programs were made for any physical activities. Attention towards physical activity started when human culture started developing.
The importance of rest was also given only after the development of ancient culture and slowly rest and relaxation became an important part of human life.
Ancient play naturally became an important part of human life. Humans were not too attracted to animals and their habits and behavior were normal for entertainment. During ancient times people used to sing and dance mostly in groups.
To Face animals or to control them and use physical power, strength and stamina mobility and presence of brain full stop for many years men tried proper research done for physical education and entertainment but he could not achieve it. He controlled and won over animals purely on the basis of his strength.
That usually at that time and was unable to spare enough time for a play he was wasting most of his time searching for a source of Sustenance on making his both ends meet. His daily activities however were completely based on physical training to stop these activities were Running, Jumping, Throwing , Climbing and Swimming but remained busy in the art of hunting animals for his food.